Roof Assessment

Roof Assessment

Locally owned & family-operated, Lafayette Roofing & General Contractors is Acadiana’s premier source for roof replacement.

Keeping The Roof Over Your Head For Over Two Decades

Roof Assessments

Your roof is one of the most important structures of your home, and a professional roof assessment provides homeowners with valuable insights into the health and longevity of their roofs. Beyond the shingles and tiles lies a complex system designed to protect a home from the elements. Regular and thorough evaluations help to identify visible wear, pinpoint potential future issues, and optimize energy efficiency.

Take a proactive step by having a licensed and qualified professional perform a comprehensive roofing assessment. This evaluation is critical to ensuring the safety, efficiency, and longevity of your home’s primary protective barrier. Minor damage can escalate into significant issues if left unnoticed, and annual inspections can identify early signs of wear and tear – preventing minor problems from turning into costly projects. A professional roof assessment isn’t just about the immediate state of your roof; it’s a forward-looking approach that seeks to ensure the overall well-being of your home and the safety of its inhabitants.

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Roofing Assessment Services

Asphalt Shingles


Roof Coating

Over 50 Years Of Combined Roofing Experience

The process of a roof assessment begins with an initial consultation, where any specific issues or homeowner concerns are discussed. The inspector will perform a physical examination to evaluate the condition of the roofing material – be it shingles, tiles, stone, or metal – ensuring there’s no damage or signs of wear. Critical areas, such as flashing around chimneys, vents, skylights, and valleys, are closely examined for rust, sealant failure, or other potential vulnerabilities. The inspection extends to gutters and downspouts to confirm they’re not clogged and directing water away from the foundation.

For the interior, the inspector must access the attic to assess ventilation, insulation, and signs of moisture or mold. Stains on internal walls or ceilings are tell-tale signs of water intrusion, which must be thoroughly investigated. Throughout this process, we provide documentation supplemented with photographs to provide a clear record of present and potential problems. Once the assessment is complete, we provide the homeowner with our comprehensive evaluation and make recommendations on repairs or replacements.

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Roof Assessment FAQs

What is a roofing assessment?

A roofing assessment is a comprehensive examination of your roof’s current condition. It involves checking for signs of damage, wear and tear, and potential vulnerabilities. The assessment aims to identify issues that might need immediate attention and provide insights into the roof’s overall health and lifespan. A thorough evaluation can help to pinpoint problem areas before they turn into expansive, costly repairs.

How often should I have my roof assessed?
Typically, we advise that homeowners have their roofs assessed annually, or immediately after a major storm event. Regular assessments ensure that potential problems are identified and addressed promptly, preventing minor issues from escalating.
How long does a roofing assessment take?
The duration of a roofing assessment varies based on the size of your property and the complexity of your roofing system. However, most residential assessments take between 1 – 3 hours.
Will I receive a report after the assessment?
Yes, after our experts complete your assessment, you will be provided with a detailed report that outlines all our findings. This report will include recommendations for repairs or maintenance and photographic evidence of the identified issues.
Does a roofing assessment mean I'll need to commit to repairs or replacement?
Not necessarily. The primary goal of an assessment is to give homeowners a clear understanding of their roof’s condition. While we’ll provide recommendations based on our findings, the decision to proceed with any repairs or replacements remains entirely with the homeowner.